Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Plateau my A** !!

Last week I was bellyaching over having only a 1.6 lost. This on a week where I didn't cheat and I kept my same routine exercise wise, I was a real pi$$er all that day, but I had to realize I had out grown (or out loss) what was effective for me and and I needed to tweak my routine. So in addition to my normal 5-6 day a week gym workout, I added an early morning jog/walk a couple of days last week. I also pushed my thread mill time and speed upward along more weight training. This week I hit lucky #7. 7.0 lbs lost.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Haven't been giving total weight loss recently

In case anyone out there's wondering I'm at about 105 loss total.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

making something outta nothing

I have to admit, I live and die according to the weekly weigh ins and the satisfation I get from a good weeks llost can carry me through even the most trying weeks. So it was with the utmost frustration that I posted only a 1.6 lb loss. I hate to think that the ugly p-ward has reared it's head. Yeah, I know...Het at least you're losing and you can't keep thing you vcan keep a 6 lbs average going forever. But concidering the amount of cals in vs. the cals burned. ....somethings got to give.